We keep your equipment running during planned production time.
Our tools optimize your process to make it run as fast as possible.
Our technology minimizes waste to help you produce only good parts consistently.
Our unique expertise helps you to produce good parts, as fast as possible, with no down-time.
Engineering die casting process clarity with valuable performance insights.
Monitor & Analyze an endless array of data points while making real-time adjustments remotely on a variety of die casting machines: BUHLER, DCP, HPM, TOSHIBA, FRECH, LK, IDRA, ITALPRESSE, ITL, UBE, PRINCE, ZITAI, SANJI, YIZUMI, BIRCH and more…
Efficiently Produce Complex Parts.
Our predictive maintenance tools help high performance die casters produce complex castings with consistent reliability and minimal waste. Our technology is designed specifically for the needs of modern high performance die casters.
Process Insight
Monitor & analyze real-time Position, Velocity, Flow, Pressure, Correlation, Utilization, Yield, Parameter Trends, OEE, Cycle Time, Die Temperature, Cp/CpK, X-R Charts, and more…
Machine Cell Connectivity
Our easy-to-install modular systems deliver real-time and historical data from every die casting cell in your plant. We provide the complete solution including software, hardware, and support. All in one single networked view.
Foundry 4.0 Capability
Our Foundry 4.0 Systems provide a single networked view of your entire organization with smart alerts and business insights. Our modular design allows you to easily configure a die cast monitoring system that adapts to your changing needs and budget.
Remote Monitoring Solutions
Configure a complete Remote Reporting System with our comprehensive Foundry 4.0 Product Line. Designed with a unique ability for very fine slow shot control, rapid acceleration into fast shot, rock solid repeatability during fast shot, and rapid deceleration (low impact) at the shot end.
Latest News and Information
Here’s what’s happening at Visi-Trak.
The Real Value of Predictive Maintenance.
Dramatically improve your operational performance to get an edge on the competition.
Produce Complex Die Cast Parts with Confidence.
Reduce porosity, blistering, cracks, and leaks with Visi-Trak Predictive Maintenance. Repeatable Process = Predictable Results.
New High Performance Valve Package.
Visi-Trak transitions to Domin servo valves for piloting the Olmsted 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, and 63mm valves. This powerful combination is ideally suited for modern high performance die casting applications. This highly efficient valve system provides even better reliability and performance to support evolving die casting needs.
North American Zinc Die Casting Conference
June 5-7, 2023 at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare.